Geology of the Milgun 1:100 000 sheet

Geology of the Milgun 1:100 000 sheet

Author: Swager, CPMyers, JS

Publication date: 15 November 1999

Format: PDF online (free)

Type: 1:100 000 Explanatory Notes

Pages: 27

Product details

  • Tectonic Units

  • Maps

  • Geological ages
    Archean, Cenozoic, Mesoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic

  • Keywords
    Capricorn Orogen, Archaean, Palaeoproterozoic, Bryah Basin, Padbury Basin, Narryer Terrane, volcanic rocks, sedimentary successions, rift basin, foreland basin, gneiss

  • Broad Terms
    Economic geology, Geochronology, Geological mapping, Igneous petrology, Metamorphic petrology, Mineral deposits, Regional geology, Stratigraphy, Structural geology, Tectonics

  • Commodities
    Gold, Manganese

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