Geological Survey of Western Australia Annual Review 2018-19

Geological Survey of Western Australia Annual Review 2018-19

Author: Geological Survey of Western Australia

Series Number: 2018-19

Publication date: 04 March 2020

Format: PDF online (free)

Type: Annual Review 2018-19

Year: 2020

Pages: 90

Product details

  • Maps
    Western Australia(250K)

  • Keywords
    3D models, data management, drilling, economic geology, geochemistry, geochronology, geological mapping, geophysical interpretation, geophysical models, geothermal energy, gravity surveys, isotope geology, land use planning, magnetic surveys, management, mineral deposits, mineral exploration, mineral occurrence, mineralization, paleontology, palynology, petroleum, radioactive surveys, regional geology, regolith, rock geochemistry, seismic surveys, tectonics

  • Broad Terms
    Data management, Drilling, Economic geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geological mapping, Geophysical interpretation, Geothermal energy, Gravity surveys, Land use planning, Magnetic surveys, Management, Mineral deposits, Mineral exploration, Mineral occurrence, Mineralization, Paleontology, Palynology, Petroleum, Radioactivity surveys, Regional geology, Regolith, Rock geochemistry, Seismic surveys, Tectonics, Geophysical models, 3D models

  • Commodities
    Aluminium; Aluminum, Coal, Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Graphite, Iron, Iron ore, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Natural gas, Nickel, Oil, Potassium, Rare earth elements, Rare Earth Oxides, Silver, Tantalum pentoxide, Vanadium, Vanadium pentoxide, Zinc