Age and geochemistry of the Alcurra suite in the west Musgrave Province and implications for orthomagmatic Ni - Cu - PGE mineralization during the Giles Event

Age and geochemistry of the Alcurra suite in the west Musgrave Province and implications for orthomagmatic Ni - Cu - PGE mineralization during the Giles Event

Author: Howard, HSmithies, RHKirkland, CLEvins, PWingate, MTD

Series Number: 2009/16

Publication date: 18 November 2009

Format: PDF online (free)

Type: Record 2009/16

Pages: 15

Product details

  • Tectonic Units
    Musgrave Complex

  • Maps
    BATES(100K), BELL ROCK(100K), BLACKSTONE(100K), HOLT(100K)

  • Geological ages

  • Broad Terms
    Geochemistry, Geological mapping, Igneous petrology, Mineralization, Tectonics, Trace elements