1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia, 2015

1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia, 2015


Publication date: 02 July 2015

Format: Download data (free)

Type: State Map

Product details

  • The digital 1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia, 2015 is a fully revised update of the major Archean and Proterozoic cratons, Proterozoic orogens, provinces, terranes, igneous supersuites and basins that comprise Western Australia. The nomenclature and hierarchy for the tectonic units are based on the GSWA Explanatory Notes System. Onshore tectonic boundaries are derived from GSWA data and offshore boundaries are from the Geoscience Australia 'Australian Geological Provinces' GIS dataset, adjusted to match seamlessly into the onshore tectonic elements. Basins are divided into sub-basin elements, which are locally ranked and stacked according to age where units overlie each other. This map is accompanied by a companion data layer, the '1:500 000 orogenic events of Western Australia, 2015'.

    Free (online): Go to Data and Software Centre (www.dmp.wa.gov.au/datacentre), then 'Statewide Spatial Datasets', 'Geology', ‘1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia, 2015', 'Download'.