1:500 000 orogenic events of Western Australia, 2015

1:500 000 orogenic events of Western Australia, 2015


Publication date: 02 July 2015

Format: Download data (free)

Type: State Map

Product details

  • The digital 1:500 000 orogenic events of onshore Western Australia, 2015 is a fully revised, multilayer dataset based primarily on the 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology of Western Australia, 2014 and 1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia, 2015. The dataset comprises nine groups of orogenic events, with broad temporal divisions whose boundaries correspond, where practical, to recognized geological eras. Event boundaries are based on evidence including structural, geochronological, and isotopic data, restricted to tectonic and lithostratigraphic units defined in the GSWA Explanatory Notes System.

    Free (online): Go to Data and Software Centre (www.dmp.wa.gov.au/datacentre), then 'Statewide Spatial Datasets', 'Geology', '1:500 000 orogenic events of Western Australia, 2015', 'Download'.